Friday, 27 November 2015

Blog 4 - Safety of Transfer Methods

For this final blog post, you need to assess the safety and suitability of the methods that we have used to exchange information. In separate paragraphs, please comment on the suitability of using the college emails to exchange forensic information, and then using this public blog to exchange forensic information.

Your post should take in to consideration:

  • The information that we have been sharing and the sensitivity of any possible personal information of people involved in the crime
  • Who can add to the information or edit the information that is shared
  • How much effort it would take to access the information that is shared
  • What methods of encryption does each method use to avoid unauthorised access
This blog post should be approximately 300 words long.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Blog 3 - Validity of Sources

This week, your task is to choose 1 valid source and 1 invalid source that you have used to research your crime. In your post, you need to include a link to the website/article and an evaluation of why it is or isn't a valid source. Your evaluation should include sound reasoning of what makes a valid source and how you can decide if a source is valid. Your blog post should be approximately 200 words long to sufficiently explain the validity.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Blog 2 - Timeline

Hi all!

I hope you are all enjoying your half term!

The task that I would like you to complete over the break is to create a timeline of the crime that you have been allocated. This timeline should start from the time that the crime took place and finish when the person/people were convicted. If no one was convicted, go as far as you can with the information you have.

I would like your timeline to be completed on a publisher file, as this allows you the freedon to move text boxes with ease and add arrows to your diagrams. Your timeline should follow a format similar to the picture below. All information should be placed along a line, in chronological order, with dates and times, as well as descriptions of the event that took place at that time.


You may include photographs or diagrams, but please remember that this document should aim to be as professional as possible. The above is an example of layout. Do not copy the style of font or clipart.

I would like your timelines to be printed and brought to the first lesson back after half term (6th November 2015).

Friday, 9 October 2015

Blog 1 - Bibliography

Hi all!

For this post, I would like you to begin to evaluate the quality of information that you are accessing.

In your post, please include a Harvard reference to a resource that you have used for your criminal profile. I would then like you to answer the following questions:

1. Is this a reliable source?
2. Who can edit the information on this resource?
3. How can I tell if the information on this resource is correct and accurate?
4. What other resources could I get this information from?

I would then like you to revisit this blog when more people have posted and answer the same questions but for someone else's source. This will check your ability to use a Harvard reference to access information.

You must begin to use Harvard referencing in your assignments. I would like you to compile a Harvard reference list for the resources you used in your profiles. This will be submitted with your final assignment.

Friday, 1 May 2015


Hi all,

Today I would like you to create a timeline for your criminal. This can start from the criminal's birth to death, or just a timeline from the start of the crime to the point the person was convicted.

I would like you to email these timelines to the rest of the group, including myself, and I would like them created on either word or publisher. You can include images if you want, however it MUST include dates and details for each point. Please check over the spelling and formatting for your timelines. These will form evidence for your assignment, so treat them with due respect and spend time completing them.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Security of Information

Hi all,

Assignment 1 has been set today, so make sure you are checking the blog frequently and participating in the content of EVERY post.

Today I would like you all to discuss and debate the security of the sharing methods that we are using (email and public blog). I would like you to consider the following points:

  • Are the methods a secure way of sharing private information?
  • What can be done to make those methods more secure?
  • Who has access to the information from each method?
  • Which is the more secure method?
  • What other methods could we have used that would have been more secure?

Friday, 17 April 2015

Update on research

Hi guys,

I think I finally have it working!

I haven't seen much communication happening for the research that you should all be doing. Your assignment for this research will be set a week today, so get as much done before then as possible!

Looking back at the research I have previously been sent, I would like you all to discuss the crime scene photos that people have found (from memory, I know that Sam has found and shared a website with some).

Has anyone else found original crime scene photos yet? Please feel free to share and discuss those photos too.

Points for consideration:
  • Are the photos reliable? How do you know that?
  • Are the photos genuine? How do you know that?
  • Were the photos taken at the time the crime was committed, or before/after?
  • Would these photos be credible evidence if the case was re-tried in court now?
You will have a week to contribute to this discussion, before another discussion point is raised.

Friday, 20 March 2015


Hi all,

Welcome to the first installment of your unit 37 blog!

I will be posting questions here 2 to 3 times a week and I would like you ALL to participate in a discussion based around this. These questions will be based upon documents and information regarding your criminals which have been shared via email.

This blog forms part of your P1/M1/D1 criteria, so it is important that you regularly participate in these discussions.

The first blog post will be next Wednesday, to give people time to start sharing resources.

Can you all ensure that you write your name when commenting so that I can monitor who is participating and who isn't.

